Saturday, September 23, 2006

Supermassive Black Holes and SUPER BUMs

So i took like FOREVER to make an entry; be fair now, i was waiting for an epiphany.

No actually,i wasn't used to NOT having anything significant to think about besides dinner or channel surfing.

Sometimes we suffocate on NOTHING-NESS.Sometime we need an excuse to suffocate.
Did I Mention though,that i'm off those carcinogenic packs of 20s?
A lot of you are scratching your heads right NOW.Thats all right, i understand, was soo hooked no one would've thought i could give it up.
Funny, no withdrawal syndrome...just a massive oral fixation.(nothing i couldn't handle)hehe.

I'm planning to get a massive dose of anti-histamines...i've got to be allergic to SOMETHING...having seizures at the thought of working at home.

Here's something beautiful about the human race-their undying love for words like COULD'VE,WOULD'VE,SHOULD'VE etc. Especially used like this: "We should've left earlier." or "I would've have done it IF only you had told me so" me it gets better!
Seriously, STOP! please, you aren't helping anyone by giving redundant input,oh well,if it makes you feel any better...
Stop addressing the past,you aren't going to change anything.Think about NOW.

Anyways, on a lighter note being a super bum's more like being an Ad Actress.Minimal wages and working hours with loads of publicity. Excellent.
Well its been an unpredictable month for most of us.Lots been going on.Evolution of the other kind.Very constructive period for most.

I also miss Pisa,Wingman,CY,Ritim,Ashish (in no particular,My old Apartment,COffee Mania,Autumn,The Legendary Russian Etiquette...(not the end,carpal tunnel playing up)

You know what's really odd?
the fact that i THINK my greatest fear is losing my sense of humour!

Random Rants are the best kind of blogs.Cheers Mates.


dr.areg said...

u could've written something earlier. then i would've commented on it.
i should've written sumthing more productive here

(trying to be funny; dunt get pissed)

Viroshini said...

good one...u always keep proving me right...why is that?