Friday, October 27, 2006

100th,woo hoo!!!

Since this is my 100th post, it has to be special in some way right? (excuses!excuses!)
Anyways,i would like to dedicate this post to the people around me,whom have and will always love me.People whom i DARE to call friends.
For a person who considers some of her family members-friends and some friends as family members,friendship is a BIG-DAMN-DEAL!

There's got to be one special mention though:To The ONE who's FRUSTRATED WITH ME.
i'm not growing up too fast and neither am i drifting away,thank you for lecturing me and loving me unconditionally.The fact that u want the old me back is touching-since all i did was raise your blood pressure and cause heart aches.

Then there's my significant other who tries very hard to update me with every moment of the day,but as Tennessee Williams once said, "for time's the longest distance between two places"

Friends are perfect in every way,except for one flaw-they are human.I may fall short of your expectations,but worry not for i will be right by your side at the crucial moment.

Came across this sometime back- "friendships are overrated" what is that suppose to mean? someone kindly enlighten me.

Coming back to this post-Oleg Karkhordin wrote a paper on the politics of friendship:"By definition, a friend was an individual who would not let you down even under direct menace to him- or herself; a person to whom one could securely entrust one's controversial thoughts since he or she would never betray them, even under pressure. Friendship thus in a sense became an ultimate value produced in resistance struggles in the Soviet Union".

Friendship's priceless...we shall not F*** around with it....nor shall we take it for granted.

Seriously,i will not try bringing down ANY government without my FRIENDS.

I may not show it,but i do love you people.

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