Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Joker

Do you know what happened today?

I woke up unceremoniously at 0738, stared at my watch in total disbelieve because i was soo fresh and renewed, it felt like i had been asleep for almost 8 hours,when in reality i had only been asleep for 5 hours or therebouts.

So i practically jumped out of bed-excited and all, about being awake soo darn early,the DAMPENING part though,was the fact that it hadn't stopped raining since yesterday and when i drew the curtains,there wasn't any sun-the perfect weather to continue sleeping in...but as always,i HAVE to do things differently.

Did i mention though that its a sunday?...i mean who wakes up at 0738 on a sunday morning?

Anyway, i stretched, visited the loo,drank a good liter of water with my vitamins, put the water to boil and started the washing machine...looked around,found what i was reading the night back into bed and then a whole hour had passed-and it was time!...yes the bowel movement ensued...(i'm sorry i take soo much pride in my bowel movement but...its one of those things that make my day complete)

A good shower later i was sitting infront of the morning news with marmalade toast and coffee...there was nothing new though,just that now the Turks are calling the Killings in Urumqi 'Genoside'...i mean COME ON?....seriously?...the highest number of deaths are amongst the Han Chinese who AREN'T please lets wipe the self pity off the table for now.

While flossing,i noticed that the once perfectly sculpted eyebrows of mine were now sprouting new growth and it wasn't exactly after the morning ritual of news and breakfast i headed out to get my eyebrows done.

Here's the thing about driving out in Penang early sunday mornings, its Abso-fucking-lutely road hoggers,no maniac drivers, no delusional 'Humvee' drivers who occupy 2 lanes, ah such bliss...almost therapeutic.

On my way home i picked up the newspaper...and while driving home, i just realised how much i love sundays...especially when i am surrounded with the people i love. For those of you who have read previous entries of mine, you would know by now that i love sunday brunch or at least connecting with people. so here's where the problem starts.

By the time i got home, which was around 11am, i had already decided that its  been a fantastic sunday,and to top it off,all i had to do was pick up the phone and call a bunch of people to have lunch with.So thats when i realised,that i don't actually have my folks or my close friends around here...for me to call on and head out to lunch with.Now, when i got home, Vindaloo (my housemate) was making lunch plans with Siva (her friend,who is also my friend) and invited me to join...guess what i do?...decline the invitation!....i know i know...and you wonder why i make a fuss about it being sunday and....lunch and stuff like that...oh well...i guess just feel like makng a fuss about things and you dont need a reason to do so.

What eventually happened was that, i ordered in from Kapitan-and watched Nothing but the truth on DVD (awesome watch)...and right NOW,as i type all of this ....i am sipping on a velvety latte...and thinking why am i not doing something else?...

Well...i guess i will...till then,if you do get a chance - pick up Mogwai's I know who you are but who am i?

Current read: Tipping Point.

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