Saturday, May 22, 2010

Divine Intervention

I do believe in God...its in you, me and everyone else around us.
Miracles happen,and divine intervention is when you have a freak accident and come out untouched.
I believe i was rash,irresponsible and stupid,i intend to change all of that.I choose to look at today with new thoughts.I know i sound effing manic to begin with but seriously,the way everyone has been handling me has been unfuckingbelievable...
Right from my friends to my extended family and my family...its been great,they've been handling me like i'm fragile and made out of glass.
There comes a point in your life where you realise that your inability to confront the truth and work on it,would/could cost you dearly.So...its takes a collossal mistake to set you right,and i honestly hope and believe that this is it.

Thank You.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Of late i can't help but notice the worst in others. Its not that i'm trying to make a point, but it just seems to overshadow everything else.
My sorepoint however remains with the way everyone seems to have a sense of entitlement.
Most of them think they are entitled to things that most psychologically sound people wouldn't think they deserved unless they worked their ass off for it!
I guess for most, it gives them an excuse to remain below par,it gives them an opportunity to not have to take responsibility for their actions.
Think about it, a person who feels entitled would say something ginormously idiotic like
"oh,we'll wait for the land office to get back to us,because it is after all their job."
(10 yrs later)
"you know,those scum bags totally stole our property from us...i mean,if i don't pay my taxes,aren't suppose to come after me?...why would you assume the land had no title holders?
(this is because you choose to sit on your ass)
So a statement like this would then lead on to them blaming everyone else for their shortfalls...and they would refuse to believe that it was their fault to begin with.
Another good example would be something simple like patient-doctor relationships.(only applicable in govt settings)
See, patient A,lets call him John. Decided to come and see the doctor for lets say a cough...and it doesn't resolve in lets say 1 john comes back...
Mr.I AM ENTITLED JOHN : I am still not better,aren't i supposed to be better?i mean,isn't that what you people are suppose to be doing?...making people like me better.
THE LOST AFTER PATIENT NO 200 DR: errmm...yes but you can have some residual cough for lets say another 10 days or so...let me give you something for it yeah?
MIAEJ: yeah you better...oh and...throw in a MC while you are at it.

See?...its sad to see sometimes how people have this false sense of entitlement. It reinforces the notion that the world owes you a shit load of things, It breeds less responsible adults certainly creates a silent association of pity party goers.

I mean,seriously,suck it up and own up to it.No one owes you anything!...Clean up after yourself,you might make a difference in the way you live your last few days.

Monday, May 03, 2010


Is what gets me out of bed every morning.

The closest to God or anything absolutely divine we'll ever get to is by examining our relationships and pegging it correctly. 

Divine intervention is the friend whom you thought never gave a shit,or the friend who effortlessly made you feel better by just being by your side, its your mum, your dad...your brother...i could go on and on and on...

They say "GOD" only protects the young, old and the drunk.Assuming that statement is flawless, i can very safely concur that, mere mortals are god in every right,should they choose to live everyday that way.

Besides that, I've come up with an interesting where close to science but would be very much appreciated by Jung and Freud.

We are able to pick on a certain flaw/weakness of another only because we've identified it in us,it may not be something someone else could see in that very same person...simply because its something we've found to be an issue for ourselves.


I could almost always conclude(with substance of course) someone is fickle on the first meeting because,being fickle is something i am guilty of most of the time!Hence i'd be able to smell all the signs!

Reena was spot on and mad at me because i sulked through dinner,not because anyone annoyed me,but because i felt like a sore loser (i didn't know that i was sulking),but i don't think anyone else picked that up,she picked it up because she knew what its like to be in my position.

So...yes i still have to expand on my flimsy theories...but soon...we'll have more coming.