Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bring it on back

The title has nothing to do with the post,its just a song i'm listening to.

Well,the irony of the 'gosudarstvo' is like this, they increase fuel prices,they increase the price of rice and sugar but no they dont increase your pay.
See its a sin to deprive someone of their basic needs,its understood that if you could afford to own a car you can afford to fuel it.
But food?...what happens to the super poor?so they stop eating all together?
Then,they say lets give doctors a better quality of life by increasing after office hour perks, i.e government locum at RM80 per hour, WHOA!...thats a shit load of cash,you work 4 hours and you have RM320...holy crap! that in doctor hours means 3 oncall claims for a houseman and 2 for a medical officer.
SO then the director of Hosp. Pulau Pinang decides to scrutinize all the call claims and decides that doctors who don't punch in or out can't claim.Some of my colleagues have lost up to 4 claims...you do the math.
Now,newsflash B****!,most of the time we are operating,when we aren't, we are looking into patients,and some of us don't bathe,eat or sleep for up to 36hours,the LAST thing you should do is NOT give us our call claims.
Next,you've taken over the locum list and decided to give slots to people who HAVEN'T actively practiced medicine,i.e high ranking administrative officers who essentially are doctors and deprive other practising doctors who have been doing the dirty work wayyy before the hike!
so now,clean your act up and give us what's rightfully ours.
Oh and by the way,when we have up to 200 patients to see from 8am to 12 pm (4hours) please don't expect us to see 50 patients an hour,and give them the BEST health care plan,because its humaly impossible to deduce anything within a minute!...
Looks like you NEVER practiced medicine eh?
Nevermind,keep your title,be a hypocrite and terrorize us will you.Afterall,after the patients have demoralized us you can take over and make us wish that we never choose medicine as a profession in the first place.

P/s:if i don't get my call claims,you'll be handing in your resignation letter soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awful. Just awful. These fucked up people have bullied you for too long babes. I can't imagine how difficult things must be for you now. Why don't you me and bee start up a business, and abandon the noble field of medicine for something that'll make us rich. Enough suffering. It takes the joy out of practicing medicine. Uggghhhh. Horrible people. How dare they do that to you. I feel totally offended on your behalf! Know that you are always loved and welcomed in my halfway house, where I'll be residing since I prolly won't even get a job!