Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sentimentality is the failure of feeling

A friend of mine once read somewhere that 'sentimentality is the failure of feeling.'

Interestingly,i find it rather contradictory but very true at the same time.
Anyway,here's something to ponder upon, When you do everything in moderation and put up walls where you shouldnt have to,and lets say you don't allow yourself sentiments such as love and going totally crazy do you in the end lead an extreamly moderate and regulated life that lacks passion?
I think i am heading somewhere there...
No really,think about it.

So sentimentality can be regarded as being stuck in a past or constantly thinking about something we never had to begin with but,relentlessly trying to keep it in our grasp.

Then what happens is that,we totally neglect the present which is full of wonders (in an optimist's point of view) or funny turns (a pessimist's point of view),we fail to live!
No that shouldnt happen,i would certainly consider that a punishment of the highest order.Think about it, how can you sabotage your very sense of being???
Its pathetic really.

Here's a website that might rejuvenate you:

It belongs to a good friend of mine,who i must say is a fantastic artist.

Can anyone tell me though,are you able to pick up all the pieces and move on and then give yourself a clean slate without self bashing?


Anonymous said...

impossible. A clean slate? you can never start over with a clean slate if you knew that you were going to dirty it the moment you were born. Nothing pessimistic about that, just realistic, no? And self bashing/loathing is inevitable. Passion however, is a gift not all of us have opened.

Anonymous said...

thank you baby,very freudian albeit from the rear end.Love you soo.

Gorgeous Ol' Eve Loves Vanilla. You? said...

Oooohhh.. baby. I like you dirtayyyy ;)