Monday, June 30, 2008

God,trying to make his way through.


Most of us associate the above term with everything divine and sacred.
Some of us accept it as the term deemed appropriate for the 'creator' of the universe.
Joan Osbourne asked if God had a name,would we call it to his face?
she also asked if he was one of us what would his face look like and would he be ordinary like any one of us.

There are many religions, no doubt, and all of them preach in an essence the same things albeit differently.Most pious people would disagree with this post and might call it blasphemy but seriously most of these people are like carriage horses whose eyes have been shielded so that they don't get distracted.

Religion, i believe,i repeat I BELIEVE was created to offer order and peace to a then very chaotic civilization. If we did take lets say Islam as a religion *purely for references,no pun intended*, Prophet Mohammad was based in Mecca which was then the center of trade and finance for all the tribes that lived in surrounding cities and Mecca.At that time not only were they flourishing as a civilization but corruption was prevalent , so was adultery ,everyone knew and practiced certain pleasures of life and theft/murder was on the rise. He had a epiphany at the age of 40 while he was up on a mountain meditating. He spread the message of god which then led to creation of Islam which in turn made sure of peace, order, equality, taxes, regimented praying times which of course left no time for anyone to be even mildly intoxicated.
The Quran -a Holy reference used by Muslims around the world,dictated a way of life that was of course governed by rules-Islamic rules.Without doubt, life in Mecca became more palatable and logical.More traders from various tribes came in and out thus making this civilization flourish.
Now, coming back to my point, Most of us deem God as the giver of life,he forgives all, he loves unconditionally. We are all equals in the eyes of god.No judgments passed. Yet,not ONE of us can ascertain that God really does exist,not ONE of us can prove it. But because there are a lot of inexplicable things by science most of us do then say this is the work of a supreme power,something beyond you and me.
Granted those are all valid points and arguments. We all need to believe in something,we all need faith, we all need guidance, we do if not for the sake of the world but for ourselves-HOPE...universally there's just one common factor amongst us...our faith in GOD...or the lack of it.
I've never been able to fathom how anyone could blindly believe in something they've never seen/felt/smelt.
That said,my version of God or The supreme power are my parents.
I know of no other god than them.I know of religions, but god?
I only know my parents
This,i can prove:
1) They love unconditionally-CHECK
2) Forgives/doesn't judge-CHECK
3) Provider-CHECK
4) Governance of life/behavior/rules- CHECK
...and drum roll for the final one....
5) They instill FEAR! (yea yea i am still afraid of my folks)

i know there are marvels around us that are still unexplained...i am not going to sit and ponder upon it like the theory of relativity nor am i going to try to figure out an answer.Whoever or Whatever has given us the universe,has given it for a reason...and instead of trying to screw with it,i guess we should just value what we have and get on with life.
Lets try NOT destroying something for once...and we might attain Moksha.


Anonymous said...

finally a post that brings the true Vee back! We love you babes

Gorgeous Ol' Eve Loves Vanilla. You? said...

Mock who? Why you wanna Mock(Pi)Sa? Hahahahahahahaa sorry, bad joke. No pun intended :P

Anonymous said...

hahahahaahahahahhahaha good one CJ,not earning you any brownie points though

Anonymous said...

good one..

the part where you equate your parents as the supreme power reminds me of a lil something i read when i was growing up. Even though i'm not religious i used to love reading stuff about religions.

So i searched for the legend (in hinduism) online..and here it goes:

The legend says that the Gods decided to choose their leader and a race was to be held between the brothers' Kartikeya and Ganesh. Whoever took three rounds of the earth first would be made the Ganaadhipati or the leader. Kartikeya seated on a peacock, his vahanam (vehicle), started off for the test. Vinayak or Ganesh was given a rat, which moves swiftly. Vinayak realised that the test was not easy, but he could not disobey his father. He reverently paid obeisance to his parents and went around them three times and completed the test before Kumarswami (Kartikeya). According to him, " my parents pervade the whole universe and going around them, is more than going round the earth." Everybody was pleasantly surprised to hear Vinayak's logic and intelligence. Meanwhile, Kartik was amazed to see Ganesh completing the holy bath at each river that he reached at and ready for another round of the universe.

and the rest of my opinion..i'll spill when i see you.. =D