Monday, March 09, 2009

Folie A Deux

That literally translates into 'Madness between two'. We'd be lucky enough if in our lifetime to ever have a moment of 'folie a deux' ...most of us go through life hoping to never encounter such a beautiful and profound moment,which could only be shared with someone soo dear to you and of course loved.

Its a matter of having the same wavelength, principles and naturally similar or opposing passions.

Last week was eventful, there were extremly beautiful moments and absolutely mind boggling ones; i don't know why i didn't make it into the top 6- thats mind boggling.

I had achieved what i intended with both my family and extended family over the last week, i remained my usual optimistic self till last thursday,which was the day i discovered they had already selected the TOP 6.

Oh well, maybe i at meant for greatness, just not as a Rookie. As beekins put it, 

"Professional drivers just don't qualify to be rookies babe!"

That aside,what really baffles me is the fact that we were told that we'd be informed personally-that was a verbal honour and too bad, it doesn't exsist in today's world, The knowledge of that had actually left me quite surprised as i thought, the younger and more exposed we are, chances are we'd honour our words; sometimes your principles are sidelined.You wouldn't have much of a spine left by the time you turn 30.

I've been trying to get my hands on Faust by Goethe...Malaysia is quite an infant,and needs some exposure,and Malaysians,just don't read enough.


Anonymous said...

fall down boy and faust. Loving your posts. Don't forget I'll always be waiting and reading. Beekins was right. Pros and rookies only exist on the same platform at one point in their careers. The winner's circle. Big difference, the pro's circle is way bigger, and they're surrounded by people who love them. Just as you will be surrounded by people who love you.

Gorgeous Ol' Eve Loves Vanilla. You? said...

Amen about Malaysia and its people. I'm not pointing fingers.

People can't drive you, neither will you let them. You just keep on swerving left and right, front to the back. Leave nice skid marks and fumes.. (ooohhhh, I like!)

You're top gear to people who love you. If you know what I mean *nudge, NUDGE*. I'm stickin' around for your brakes :)