Sunday, August 23, 2009


"And so something which I thought I was seeing with my eyes is in fact grasped solely by the faculty of judgment which is in my mind." Descartes.

I Don't plan to sound profound and educated today, i just plan to think and ponder and space out.

I had one of those days where regardless how much you sleep,you still need the sleep and it doesn't help that you are under the influence of some cellular structure changing molecule in your bloodstream.

There comes a time in everyones life, unless of course you never ever have to encounter this phase-just because you are built differently.

See i have been thinking about how much i've been able to dent and leave significant scars on other people.When i say dent i dont mean damage to the point of permanent emotional trauma but more like,i'd be like to be that ache deep in you,that you'd never let go disguises itself as a 'feel good' moment and thats how you'd like to remember it.

How shall we rephrase it then? shall i call it nostalgia? dependancy?

Regardless of how we phrase it, we all have at least 1 person who isn't blood related who leave a deep mark in your life-i am not talking about exes, i'm talking about people whom you let into your life and with whom you are no one else but YOU. Its difficult for anyone to say they have more than one, infact most people can't think of one single person.

I, would like to leave a small dent, in someone's life...because when nothing else is left of me, i will menifest or at least parts of me will menifest in the thoughts of the person whose life i touch.

I would like to read you to bed sometime, i could be the ride of your life. I should give myself a shot.

Lets allow Babel Gilberto lullaby us to sleep tonight.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

To Infinity and Beyond!

If there's one thing i've learnt in my very short yet significant life is that, any plan you make, regardless of how airtight it is, if it has a component that can go wrong, it may.

When that happens though, what you are suppose to do is pick up the pieces of your broken blueprints in good humor and attempt it AGAIN.

I used to be able to say (when i was 21/22) , in 10 yrs time i will have 1 million ringgit in my bank account, be successful ie a surgeon and in drop-dead-fucking-gorgeous.

Now, Today at a ripe yet tender age of 26 going on 27, i will say with conviction that i WON'T have 1 million in cash. maybe i may be on a path of becoming a surgeon and still with confidence i shall say i SHOULD be drop dead gorgeous when i am 30.

Here's the thing about plans-don't make em, really don't...they are a utter waste of time.

Why not, go about doing things taking small plausible steps; don't make plans. Execute wants!

Go about today DOING THINGS!...

Anyway, that aside: i am going to sleep in and recuperate.

Please let me leave you with Bob Sinclair-Rock this party!

Monday, August 17, 2009


I've been feeling a little under the weather recently, it isn't viral, its most likely bacterial and we are all heading towards a mental burn out.

I got the day off from my boss, i just need to sleep this one out,really, its chronic fatigue with subclinical symptoms of either pharyngitis or some other upper respiratory tract infection.

Mistake No 1:

Don't tell anyone, especially your family that you've gotten the day off and are planning on resting it out, because they will have to talk to you SUDDENLY at 10 am,when you would routinely be at work and the discussion could wait till 5, but on a day like today, it has to be done STAT!

To top it all off, you would've drugged yourself with anti tussives or anti histamines and you antibiotic, which means you are reasonably groggy, and if you fail to sleep, you will end up with a pounding headache.The ONLY way you could sleep through is if your phone doesnt ring.Mine rang, in half hour intervals,with the whole world needing to talk to me that very second.

Mistake No 2:

Never NOT turn off your phone, refer to previous paragraph.

Mistake No 3:

Don't overdo your drugs,once again refer to mistake no 1.

Well that aside,mum being mum, sent me soup and we went home hunting earlier, this place is nice, furnished, nice spread, old furniture, could use a new coat of paint, and needs to be refloored.We didn't meet the owners,which to me is a big no no,i always must meet the owners before i make my decision.

I've been over doing my classical saxaphone music, i think Vindhya has had enough classical saxaphone for a year. I know this wasnt one of my usual brilliant posts, i will get back to that mode soon.
