Maya Angelou once said,"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
That said; i know i've caused you hurt and disappointment, and eventhough we've had an interesting 3 months, you are hurting and i know you are trying your best to cope, once that passes, i sincerely hope the way i made you feel is worth remembering.
The way you've made me feel in these last 3 months?
We were expressive, honest, bold, passionate...happy...and you evoked a few latent emotions,for that i Thank You.
You allowed me to be a child when i wanted to be one and You allowed me to be a woman when i wanted to be one.
I'm not as stoic as i look or come off to be.
My intentions were not to cause hurt or disappointment,but sadly as creatures blessed with both emotions and intelligence, there's no befitting way to react to something that threatens stability and happiness.
I know you still care, thank you for letting me know.
I will never forget the way you made me feel. I'm sorry.
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Thank you very much
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