Monday, July 31, 2006


Being Home...

Isn't as BAD as i thought i would be...infact its awesome.Really.
Small things make home,Home.

Stuff you thought you'd never hear again..."Hari,why are our kids soo immoral?" (thats my mum fussing over my brother's progress report, he btw, got a B)


"Are we such terrible conversationalists?Why can't they chat with us?" (mum to dad,this too after my brother's class teacher complained that my brother's talkative.irony-we aren't all that noisy at home)


"Are we on an austerity drive?Aren't there enough rooms in this house?"
(thats dad at 12am on a work night,when mum and my brother both decide to have a pre-slumber chat on his bed,taking up his space and sleep time-the austerity drive part is about the AC and Lights in other parts of the house)

Gotta Love Em...

Still doesn't change the fact that i miss Moscow...

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