Saturday, March 06, 2010


Social stigmas and the price you pay for it...

Here's an example;

There is this intelligent individual on the brink of burnout with an acknowledged anxiety issue,recently discovered of course...who,like most well educated individuals,approached a colleague in psychiatry...who's first reaction was:

"Aren't you worried about the social stigma?"

No,this individual wasn't ashamed.There's no shame in asking for help...and its sad to see yourself,escort yourself towards self destruction when you knew that there were options.

It disheartening to see the level at which certain medical fields are perceived in Malaysia,very barbaric to an extent.

There's one simple question you could ask yourself, why should a field be created if it wasn't significant enough?

Then again, not everyone has the strength and courage that takes to say "I need help,please help me"

The worst part about asking for help is when the reaction of people whom you trust your life with is absolutely disappointing,with replies like "Oh come on,why would YOU of all people need help?"

...I'm human? ...and flawed...

I have a problem,and i will handle it, even if the world thinks that its impossible for someone as carefree and as laidback as me to face anxiety issues.

Google it,its a real problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one day at a time babs... one day at a time...