Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Don Quixote

There's no such thing as an amicable break-up, its basically a common misconception that anything heart wrecking could be deemed amicable or concordant.
Expectations aren't meant for the weak hearted.Too Bad.
Its obvious isn't it-Ritz and i finally did justice to uncle johnnie last night.

26th and 27th of june were trying dates.Un-bloody-believable.

June 22nd, Convocation.
Now, while most graduates felt some sort of emotion, i was numb...NUMB!
The whole concept about opening up a can of worms? was just that, only difference was we were dealing with humans.
No doubt, i made a speech (extremly short and should've been sweet) , was totally pleased with the fact that the most important people in my life were there all the way, handled a rough spot with cash, was handed the fruits of my labour, and saw that 'thing' in the eyes of my parents...nothing in the world can beat that feeling.
SO, i've taken the hippocrates oath...fuck.
In about 18days i'll be back in Malaysia, and by then...i should know what i want to do.WHY?
Can't i just not have a plan?
The irony of the entire situation- before walking into 6th year,2nd sem...i had 2 plans with several back up plans-in short, i was SURE...too sure for my own good.
But right now...i'm clueless.
I'll just cross the bridge when i get to it.

Folks left, my family away from home left, several friends have left...under normal circumstances i would've loved this solitary moment. I love being left alone to my own devices. Something just doesn't feel quite right. Its like i know i've completed everything...but it just doesn't seem enough.

Today's the first time in ages,i'm home...doing absolutely NOTHING.Yes, you are reading just right, i'm doing nothing...just bumming about.Oh, and i woke up way past lunch time. Right now contemplating which would qualify as appropriate time expenditure -
a)Coffee and Cigarettes for breakie, and then meet up with the guys for some grub and infuse ourselves with alco.
b)Taking a shower, going for a walk and parking my ass in a cafe with a book, catch a movie at around1900hrs...and then meet the guys up for a COUPLE of drinks.

Either ways, alcohol's in the picture.

Went to the Bolshoi Theater last night with Syu's family to watch Don Quixote...good fun.Throughly entertaining. Great distraction-according to my mum.(so that i wouldn't notice that they've left...*huh?*)
oh well...Ballets rock.

Learnt a few things over the week.Being a grown up's tough...
I thought growing old was mandatory but growning up wasn't...i don't see anyone giving me a choice.
Being Dr.Viroshini Hari Krishnan's tough...being me is easy...

ok time to reload on some nicotine...and check if my folks have arrived.

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