Friday, June 30, 2006


"I couldn't have breakfast coz i was thinking of you...i didn't have lunch coz i was thinking of you...I did not have dinner coz i was thinking of you.....i could not sleep the night coz i was hungry"

Well, here's how the government makes up for the devaluation of the currency due to inflation-Charges foreign graduates unnecessarily for the legalization of documents. One trip to the dean's office costed me 700rubles...i heard there's more to come.
See...studying for 6 years doesn't guarentee you your degree...its the final payment that does.
Oh Bloody Hell...

Anyways, Syu's folks were around earlier, her sister prepared din din...Ritz was invited but that asswipe FFKed me and ran off somewhere to infuse himself w alco!
Well they leave tomorrow,and till then syu's kinda hindered from CELEBRATING...hehe.

We (syu,dmitry,Ashraff and i) are leaving for Zavidovo on sat, 4days away from the city....for fresh air.
mmm...4 days of Shooting,Riding,Swimming,BBQ-ing,Boozing,CHilling...(excellent way to spend the weekend).

Can't wait to see the bruises caused by the recoil of the shot gun on my shoulders...*grin*

Oh yes, Moscow's the world's most expensive city and for every 1000 rubles in an account, per annum the loss is about 100 rubles, inflation's about 6%.(the 6%'s my figure,will re-check)
Looks like my family away from home's gonna be suffering greatly.

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