Thursday, June 01, 2006


As of today, 31st of May 2006 the class of 2006' i.e: a whole bunch of cartoons and me are no longer medical students ; neither are we graduates...

It started off as any other would've...any other 'zachot' day that is...
Had our final 'zachot', which is actually a 'Professorsky Zachot' and everyone was shitting bricks, of course yours truly wasn't fazed. I basically went in blank, watched everyone freak out and got called in as the first 'foreigner' (when your student card no's A001/00, you don't have a choice). Waffled my way through, got a 5 came out looking like i failed-because this would in turn mean i'd never EVER attend another class with the same bunch of people again(the aforementioned cartoons), and hit the 'park' for beers at 11am!- TO CELEBRATE!

Aaron Yim drank!!!...thats something allright, he was red by the 2nd sip, totally happy...and even made business deals with me...excellent, should get him hammered more often.

And reality hit me hard, my journey of 6 and a half years has come to an end.
Through these years, we've nurtured relationships of all sorts, learnt a hell lot, built a fort and gotten comfy with our respective positions in society.
Some of us feel its about time all of these stop, some of us feel why stop when we can change them for the better?
Nothing's perfect, widely known fact- same as all relationships- most of them are 90% 'perfect' but its the remaining 10% that make us stray and ruin whats already sturdy and amicable. Because, we are never satisfied.
Being over-protective is another instinct we develope when left in situations like this, we think
we are doing the right thing but we draw that conclusion without consulting with the parties involved. Why?-Familiarity.
There was a time when we'd fight the world together, today we've stooped soo low, that we've decided to fight with each other.
This, i can't quite rationalize.
As i said before, we don't change, we just become more of who we are. At this point of time, i may disappoint you, but that might be because you've classified me in a category where i don't belong. Think about it, remove the label...keep an open mind and i might surprise you.
Trust me on that one.
I have no regrets looking back, there are however things i'm not proud of, but hey how else would i learn if not the hard, more exciting and taboo way?
Everyone around me today have left a mark in my life, and have been and hopefully will always provide the colours for my life story.(some technicolor presentation there)

Well, to conclude this very distorted post, i guess...i don't know, never been a whizz with words.
But you get it right?


dr.areg said...

not distorted at all.
one of viroshini's best masterpiece.

congratulations on ur 5/zachet !

Viroshini said...

thanks you...very thoughtful.
