Sunday, April 02, 2006


Seriously gotta stop the chronic abuse of my lungs...not funny...

Morning run told me did futsal awhile ago...fuck...the burning sensation's unbearable...

The M1 vs. M2 friendly match is on tomorrow...we're gonna get slaughtered...thats going to be real friendly, hopefully no idiot shouts out 'M1 pandai main buku...tak pandai main bola'-thats definitely gonna get our spirits up!

After just 2 rounds of practice we're heading out there for a game...these guys have been practicing for ages!
Its fine to lose a game...but not..i repeat, NOT to your arch rival! wait...i think our arch rival's Kursk(going to ponder on that one for a bit!)
well...i guess...its a test see how badly we suck at the game, hopefully we're much better before the intervarsity games...(in Kursk)

For score updates pls do wait till tomorrow's post...i'll include grusome details...hehehe


Viroshini said...

actually the indon boys give us a pack or two whenever they get back from home..infact today after futsal i smelt kretek...even asked around...
didn't get any..*sigh*

why...u sending me some??..

*wide grin*

Viroshini said...

sharing's caring *wink* (hint..hint!)