Thursday, April 06, 2006


Reena once told me that the only time she's seen me really angry is when i've encountered stupidity (by my doing or because of a bunch of 2 legged creatures who claim to have brains, more often the latter).

Today, was the first day of Pediatrics (aiyooo)...and guess what?...we (azie and i) bumped into the high and mighty NATOs...(motherfuckers...sorry didnt mean to)...
They had to pick on us during our solitary break which means when I AM RELOADING ON NICOTINE and Azie on simple sugars i.e snickers!!!'s the sad truth-smokers truly cherish their smoke...even if the world's falling apart...pls do hold your horses, we'll get back to you in 5 minutes...thank you...
Well...their million dollar question was 'why don't we have a venue yet?' which we answered 'because you guys didn't approve of any that we presented'...

Then Baku Hooker (me thinks she got a brain transplant or something) says 'why can't we hold it in the World Trade Centre?'...
hmm...let me see maybe because you pieces of shit found it wayyyyy tooo expensive for a graduation...even after we explained-it was the best choice (location/price/ambience)...
and where the fuck have you been anyways??...(oh yea...she doesn't show up for bad)

So after procrastinating all this while they suddenly wake up this morning and decide to ACTUALLY do something...bravo!...but wait...she (BH) is incharge of the robes...and when i asked her about the robes...she didn't have an answer...fantastic!!...fucking retards...

Due to this mind endearing conversation, i had a pretty tiring day...lets see...they wanted to make a point which meant all of us had to haul ourselves to the Dean's off to meet with Baranov (our advisor)...who seems to think he's paying for our graduation thus turning down every proposal of ours!...
Simultaneously, i had another engagement...but due to inevitable stupidity i was held up in yet another redundant meeting of assholes...(i hate meetings with no beats the purpose..but i read somewhere that those who love meetings dont actually do anything...which is probably why baranov loves meetings)...
This made me ply between the Dean's office and The Top Anats dept twice...and then head out to the hostel for futsal practice...and...i just got home...excellent way to get high...

Futsal...was nice...really nice to unwind...all your frustrations are projected onto a harmless innocent ball...and the goal keeper...hehehehe (sorry Lai Yee...hehehe...i wouldnt wanna be in her place...)
Sometime between kicking balls and coming home, the temp dropped...stiffening my ONE thigh..and now...the sight's not very beautiful...(when i no but for YOUR viewing pleasure i'll make exceptions...yes you...hahahaha)
Now that i'm home...i realised, i promised syu to study with her but got totally wrapped in the game...and...i came home to find a note that said she went to bed and that she'll see me later...hmmm...(i wasn't ALL that late...really)

Oww...and yes Reens went for her X-ray, and i haven't had the chance to talk to her the whole week...farkkk...i should call least to know the diagnosis...(sometimes i'm not all that good a friend...)

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