Saturday, May 13, 2006

Vote for ME!

Was up at 0630hrs, needed to run and think.

Run i did, think i did not. The day was beautiful, was just concentrating on the moment. As they say, 'to be truly happy, you'd have to live in the present'. Running's therapeutic even if you don't use the time for thinking.

I really can't put a finger on what's bothering me...there's always tomorrow to attempt thinking while running. Maybe it has something to do with me not being able to multitask.
I know that bothers a couple of people around me, especially Syu but thats because she chooses to talk to me while i'm playing with the PDA or watching TV or you know...important stuff.
If i'd be able to multitask then i'd be able to run while thinking and vice-versa.

Feeling all fired up, Syu and I headed out for 'otrabotka', got there and we were greeted by a tightly sealed dept entrance. Good sign, no class then. Decided the day's too precious so slotted in stuff to do.

Its unwinding day-we gathered at Coffee Mania. Reena and Syu kept calling me perv, for what reason i don't know...ok i choose not to know.Wingman did not defend me.Perfect-3 against 1.
What were today's cerebral orgasms about?
Besides giving me a tough time...nothing really.
No wait, we did talk about our on going election/nomination thing before the AGM.

My acute observation tells me that medical students in Moscow have got their heads in the right place.
Everyone wants to be Dr.M!
Ok those who are lost- MMSA (Moscow Malaysian Student's Association) is holding their elections now. Every avaricious MOFO is busy putting him/herself out now to be nominated.
They are actually campaigning! No Shit!
So, me being me- as in the snarky person that i am, decided i should at least leave behind a memorable nomination.
Syu and I decided that we'll nominate each other for all posts.(childish but fun)

On the brightside, Malaysia's future doctors will also be literate in Political Science.Fantastic.

After parking ass, we walked to our favourite book store, and again i find my hobby too expensive to maintain...didn't buy anything, just looked around. But if anyone's interested in buying me a pre-graduation gift (no reens baby you not included), then there's this book by Milan me, it makes a perfect gift.

Dmitry gave me 2 options during coffee :
a) Watch Scary Movie 4 with him at 1900hrs.
b)Watch Scary Movie 4 with him at 1900hrs.
And yes, most people know how i feel about scary movies-they tease my brains.
Somehow, today sitting in the cinema, it felt like the most logical thing to do- Get lost in a movie which only induces laughter albeit dumb.

Lesson of the day: regardless of how tempting it is, don't sit next to reena while watching a movie-she hits you even before the scene'd leave the cinema bruised.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day, working @ 1200hrs and am planning to run while thinking, or think while running so i'd have to be up by 0630hrs. Around 1800hrs is the 'Malaysian Night' thingy organized by M2, promised Gerard i'd be yea...cheers to a long day ahead.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.