Thursday, March 02, 2006





ajd.: anencephal'ic
Congenital absence of the cranial vault, with the cerebral hemisperes completely missing or reduced to small masses.

Famous anencephalics would include George Bush, George W. Bush, George W.X. Bush, George W.X.Y Bush and George W.X.Y.Z. Bush.

Their fraternity which is known as AAAS (All-American Anencephalic's Society),is a rather elite establishment which only opens its doors to fellow anencephalics or very close associates. Never the less, the number of members are growing so fast that they had to create new posts on the board. The latest one being 'Official Society Logo Polisher'. This post seemed to be in lesser demand compared to the post of ' Official Oil-Rich Country Observer'.

Disclaimer- Any depiction in this blog is purely fictional
It has no connection with anyone dead or alive (like that makes a difference!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you say george W.X.Y.Z Bush? Really? you mean the one and the only, the real-deal george W.X.Y.Z Bush?? woah, damn I played batu seremban with him back in school. you know what he used to do? he used to steal my batus in the middle of the air (while I was playing) and say "now,look here,missy, I will not negotiate to give it back. If I can't make batu serembans myself and if I can't have 'em, no one can. I will SMOKE these batus out, you hear? uncle meat packer sam says this is the a**rica* dream"

I then chose to never play with him again, and then he destroyed my batu serembans. geez, he's a great guy. Nice, and all.