Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Watery eyed...congested lungs...running nose...and everything else that comes with the package...
Thats my current condition, if i went for a tox screen right now, i'd be labelled a CHRONIC ABUSER!

...anyways, on the lighter side of life i just got home from dinner-with Azie Dee Ritz and Syu-It was at Simple Pleasures...ahh...that place is NICE...i like it...mmm...btw, ritz and i just found out they've got happy hours every sunday,monday and thursday...50% off all whiskeys from 1700 till 2100...sweet...really sweet...me's getting a premonition-me thinks our sundays are going to be very productive...

Couldn't get out of bed this morning...well...at about 4pm ritz called up to find out how class went but, hey hey he was up for a pleasant surprise when he found out i hadn't been to class as well...
According to the girls, class was interesting- they were told that metal (in any form-chains,rings etc)
on the body actually reduces the strength of our muscles and the Physio Therapist who was lecturing this morning actually proved it over and over again during class...hmmm...
And rings worn on our fingers reduce our LIBIDO...not kidding...well...we've got endocrine glands somewhere there (memory a bit the rusted.DAMN!!) and that reduces the secretion of some hormone (which obviously i can't remember right now) in turn reducing our libido...
Thats a very clever way of keeping humans monogamous---'wedding bands'...but then again...nah nevermind...(my visions blurred)...can't type...

Only the dead are forever young- Heard this sometime this morning...was in a song or something
and its been playing in my head...i think i need help...

Oww...yes now i remember...Reena has injured her spine making the total count till today 5-thats how many handicapped friends i've got...it was weird though...she was at the loo during which time she sneezed and then one of her lumbars moved...she's not straight...as in her posture's not straight...one hip is higher than the other...poor things probably in pain, which reminds me i was suppose to call her 5 hours back...(i'm soo dead)

ok time to go make that call...to wedding bands and such...

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