Friday, March 10, 2006


*headphones arms are suspended in mid air with a half full mug of coffee and deep in thought*

The past week or so...there's only been one song in my head...and its only these parts:

You've got to press it on you
You just think it,
That's what you do, baby
Hold it down, DARE...

Jump with the moon and move it
Jump back and forth
And feel like you were there yourself
Work it out...

And everytime i hear the song i imagine Noodle (yea the one fm Gorillaz) jumping around with that dumb grin...the wierdest part is,its not even in the Video...

Its one of those days where you do absolutely nothing-not because you have nothing to do,but because you don't wanna do anything!!...

First of all we were suppose to congregate and disect every muscle and artery in the Topographic Anatomy Dept, but we called it off...because we thought it would be better to reacquiant ourselves with the theoretical part first...But are we studying?...i know i'm not...

Chronological Order of activities:

Woke up-showered-had breakkie while watching the news-played a prank on syu-had me smoke-tried breaking my own high score in word worm-tried breaking my own high score in BIG MONEY-broke my high score in text twist- did my laundry- read me book and learnt about the Taiping rebellion (not in taiping but in Nanking)-finally broke my high score in word worm-checked mails-Spoke to me Ma (i'm not mummy's kid,we're just errmm...close?)-made myself some coffee-now i'm here...(looking back...i really don't have my priorities right do i?)

hmmm....thats how i spent 6hrs...ok this is bad...very very i'm feeling guilty...i've got to do something productive today...

Something wierd happened yesterday though, at 0015hrs (my time), my cousin calls me (thats 0515hrs in Malaysia) and says something incomprehensible...the language was english but the sentence was a bit wierd "Viroooo...shhhh....niii...thhheees sweeds are goingg to die...stoopid muther faakkerrss....,"

Then i get it...he's slurring...damn!..."hallooooo you there or not???..manerrr u pegiii??,"..."Yea am u laa?"...."i need you to tell thiisss stooopid sweeeds that you speak a slavic language,"

Well,unlike home, to receive international calls i have to pay as well so, i cut him off and called him back (which is way way way cheaper)...well the problem was, he was drinking with a couple of swedish and finnish guys and one of em made a mistake saying that he knows slavic languages because he is Finnish!...well my cousin then corrected him saying that he speaks a scandinavian language not a slavic then blew out of proportion because it was not only fuelled by alcohol but also testosterone...(god help mankind) to sort the problem out they had to pick on me...

20 minutes later, my ears were buzzing and i was worried (if he'd be able to get home)...and i now know that my cousin loves me very very much because he ended each sentence with "and you know i love you right??"

...sometimes...calls like this put a smile on your face and you wonder...farkk...that bugger remembered me while drinking (even if it was to diffuse a bomb)....damn thats sweet... well as they say 'IN VINO VERITAS '(there's truth in vine)...

Now i'm having a i go out and spend sometime with syu or do i stay home and attempt studying....hmmm....guess i'll think it over with some nicotine in me blood...

Ain't No life Like BUMMING AROUND...

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