Thursday, March 09, 2006

Of Swords and Spirals

I'm a worrier, i analyse and over analyse...sometimes a thinker...(those blue moon days-btw blue moons happen because of dust particles in the air which refracts air thus creating a blue shade)

Well...after over analyzing the little anger i felt after that small conversation with my mum, the only explanation i could come up with was the Sword and Spiral Theory.

The name was something i coined while talking to a friend of mine about relationships (platonic and intimate ones), friends,family et cetera.He was explaning about the sword which is something his dad told him about...and we ended up expanding the theory with spirals.

The Theory:

Well first of all you'd have to imagine you're in the middle and there are 3 circles around you..(like a target). The circle closest to you is surrounded by swords and the other 2 are empty.
The circle furthest away from you represents co-workers,acquaintances, and others with whom you share a superficial relationship.
The Second one- friends,extended family members and people who actually mean something to you.
The one nearest to you i.e the one surrounded by swords-people whom you'd trust your life with-in most cases its your parents/siblings/your significant other.
Here's the problem-everytime YOU allow somebody to enter your inner circle,you equip them with a sword-that means they have the power to hurt you. Thats the reason why when lets say 2 different people pass the same remark about you-one a friend and second your sibling.The remark your friend made doesnt seem to get to you...but when your sibling says're about to break apart.

And linked to this is the spiral part of the belong in any of the circles requires effort and...most of the time friends start off as co-workers...over time they become friends...and then really good friends...soon share a special bond and semi consciously they allow each other access into the inner circle.

This works like a spiral...which is gradual...and is wide on the outside but finally reaches the end which is just a point.

So how's this related with my anger? mum has a sword (not many people do in my heart) So it hurts me to know that i'm powerless from such a distance and that perhaps she should understand that it could be dangerous if she delays meeting the surgeon.( i know she does,which pisses me off even more).

Right now i'm not bugged by it...and hey i just had another random thought...i really wanna pose in Rodin's The Thinker manner...with clothes on though...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey can understand ur concerns bout ur mom...hope thins are ok....hugs